St. Paul's School Alumni Horae

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St. Paul’s School Choir Touring the United Kingdom

Touring the United Kingdom

Between March 6 and 14, 37 members of the SPS Choir performed 10 concerts, sometimes in collaboration with host choirs, on its tour of the United Kingdom. The Choir, led by Director of Chapel Music Nicholas White, the Henry Crocker Kittredge Chair in the Arts, sang a program called “Love One Another” that included selections from the late 1800s to the present. The group’s itinerary featured concerts and choral evensongs at Canterbury Cathedral, Eton College Chapel (with Eton College Choir), St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, Clare College in Cambridge, Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford, Tewkesbury Abbey, Malvern Priory, Wells Cathedral, and Bristol Cathedral (with the Bristol Cathedral Choir). 

The tour, which also included four chaperones, was made possible, in part, by the Willis Fund and the Schley Fund. White previously led the SPS Choir to the UK in 2014.

The Choir before a March 7 concert in the Eton College Chapel.