Jim Hammond
Stu Patterson checks in with this news: “Ellie and I are continuing to travel. Two months this year in Australia and New Zealand. Next year, with luck, back to the Arctic – Northern Canada and Greenland.”
Wright Olney, Jim Hammond, and Read Charlton reconnect at the Form of 1953’s 65th Reunion.
Ed Harding
Nat Howe
Oggie White, Ted Hamm, and Steve Mc-Pherson stopped to catch up outside Christ Memorial Chapel in Jupiter Island, Fla. Ted serves as the Crucifer at the church, Oggie is a past member of the Vestry, and Steve is a current Vestry member.
Formmates (l. to r.) Oggie White ’55, Ted Hamm, and Steve McPherson in Jupiter Island, Fla.
Rennie Atterbury
Brent Scudder writes: “I just published South of the Southern Cross, describing my adventures in Antarctica during the turbulent sixties.”
Bill de Haven
I joined Sandy Holloway, David Hunt, and Jim Darby ’54 at the 31st Annual Duck Dinner at Allegheny Country Club in Sewickley, Pa. The group “harvested” ducks and Canada geese on the eastern shore of Maryland in January.
On May 4, 2018, the Form of 1957 held its annual Philadelphia dinner at the venerable Philadelphia Club. Nine members celebrated the evening. Long-distance awards go to Rob van Roijen from Florida and Sandy Holloway from Maine.
(L. to r.) Bill de Haven ’57, Sandy Holloway ’57, David Hunt ’57, and Jim Darby ’54 attended the 31st Annual Duck Dinner in Sewickley, Pa.
Allan Ayers
Guy Rutherfurd
Frederick Appell and Perry Fitzhugh ’57 celebrated 74 years of friendship by spending some quality time together in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
From Allan Ayers: “What a fabulous reunion – Joanne and I had a really good time – but Phil Bradley finally caught up with me and convinced me I should be one of the co-directors for the form for the next five years – so look out! The best part – after 62 years since I first tried to row a shell, and discovered that it was way too much like work, I was back in the Shattuck (I know it was Shattuck) shell for a short burst. That was fun, but I very quickly remembered why I chose to beat guys over the head with a lacrosse stick for Fifth and Sixth Form. Looking forward to having more interaction with everyone over the next five years.”
Perry Fitzhugh ’57 (l.) and Frederick Appell ’58, friends for 74 years, visiting in Mexico.
Phil Bradley ’58 (r.) presenting a church offering plate to Patrick Rulon-Miller ’58.
Members of the Form of 1958 returned to Turkey Pond.
Sydney Waud