Olivia Dickey
Brendan Brown left his teaching job at a public school in Hood River, Ore., to move to Vietnam to teach kitesurfing. He then quit his job teaching kitesurfing to travel around Asia with his girlfriend, who broke up with him on Christmas in Bangkok. Brendan and Tom Whipple got out for some whitewater in Washington this past summer, and Brendan plans to kayak the Grand Canyon in March. Brendan might get a full-time job by our ten-year anniversary. Might.
Meredith Bird got approval from the city of Boston to initiate a project repopulating the city’s parks with native rabbits, and the project is going great so far.
Charles O'Neill
Tekla Monson
Doug Robbins
Members of the Form of 2017 gathered to celebrate the birthday of Caroline Schaus ’17.
This fall and winter, many of us have had time to visit St. Paul’s. It was wonderful seeing our friends and teachers at the School and catching up with our formmates. Lia Eggleston and I were able to catch up in Pisa, Italy, this fall. I spent a semester at the University of Grenoble in France, while Lia is spending her gap year au pairing in Florence. Recently, a large group of formmates gathered for Caroline Schaus’s birthday. Peter Coppedge noted, “It was great to see so many SPS friends. It was like a family reunion.”
Lia Eggleston ’17 and Doug Robbins ’17 connected in Pisa, Italy.